Sunday, January 16, 2011

Take A Walk With Me Jesus!

I love going on walks with Jesus. I also enjoy riding horses very much, if you put
those two together, it makes me happy! Just to think of how mighty the God I
serve is, just makes my heart leap for joy! When I take walks and talk to Jesus
I feel at home with Him! There is land that is close to my house about a couple
minutes away and in the spring and summer and even fall time I like to go there
to talk with the most precious and most valuable person in my life-Jesus! The
time I spend with my Savior is my strength and that is the source of my joy and
life I have. There is no other greater joy to me than being with my King. I
often times listen to music as I take walks, for it helps me to really get into the
presence of the Lord. I close my eyes and just walk with my Savior, often I
cry when I talk to Him either because I am thanking Him and loving Him, or
it's because I am thirsty and hungry for more of Him, or maybe I am repentful.
Without Jesus in my life, I wouldn't be anywhere where I am today. I can't
live without Him. He is my only hearts desire-my Everything!

Psalm 33:20 says, "Our soul waiteth for the Lord; He is our help and our
shield" Wait on the Lord and listen to His voice...He has all wisdom and
knowledge. He knows all things. Without Him nothing was made that Has
been made. He guides us into all truth and protects us from the enemy. There
is nothing so terrible that can ever, ever, ever happen to us, except losing our
faith, love and hope in Jesus. Nothing in this whole world can separate us
from His unending love. Not death, life, angels, demons, the present, the
future...nothing at all! His love is so great!

Jesus I want to take a lifelong walk with You! Surprise me Jesus! 
Let me be safe in your arms. I wait for You, there's nothing I 
desire besides to be with You Lord! As I look at the beautiful
creation You have made and the things You have made for 
our pleasure all I can think is: "How GREAT is my God! I 
love You Jesus!" The beautiful flowers, the gorgeous sunsets
and breathtaking mountains...the awe inspiring heavens and
the beautiful creation You have made, makes me into the 
person I am today! Take me away with You Jesus! Let me fall
more in love with You each moment of my life. Remind me of
who I am in You Jesus! You are my love, and my Prince and 
my Knight in Shining Armor! 
I love You Forever and ever and ever!
Create in me a pure heart O God, renew a steadfast spirit within me... -Jesus Keep My Heart Alive....
by Sanctus Real (great worship song! One of my top fav's!)


  1. Thats good that u riding the horse?

  2. YUP!!! In COLORADO! A very beautiful state! Just get past Kansas and it gets SOOOOO gorgeous! I want to go back again and again and again!!!!
    and Thanks!
