Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Jane Austen's Persuasion"-A movie review

Here recently I watched the movie called Jane Austen's Persuasion with my mom.
It was such a great movie! I would probably put it after Pride and Prejudice
and as a tie with Sense and Sensibility. It was such a great love story. It's about
a young lady of around the age of 27 (Ann Eliot) who fell in love with a young
naval officer named Fredrick Wentworth 7 years prior. He was poor when they
fell in love and her father along with her sister "persuaded" Ann to brake off the
engagement they had. It is now 7 years later and she is still completely in love
with him. He returns and is now a wealthy bachelor and a hero of the Navy.
He doesn't know the reasons why she broke off the relationship and has
not forgiven Ann for doing so. She seeks out him in this ultimate adventure
of "true love" and persuasion. Will she win his heart back?

It's up to you to find out...! (If you've seen it...don't give any info. away!)

The reason why I enjoyed this movie so much was because she hadn't given up
on him and still loved him. She desired the truth to be known and a relationship
to the man of her dreams to last forever. She still loved him after 7 years of not
even seeing him! That is amazing, especially in this day and age! I know though
that true love only comes from Jesus. Once I fall completely and totally in love
with my Savior, in God's timing He will show me the man of His (God's) and my
dreams to me! God will bring that man to me in His timing! That will be a
wonderful day to behold! I encourage you to wait and seek Jesus as the true
lover of your heart and soul! He's the best thing that has ever happened to me
and the same can happen to you! Just open your heart to HIM! Give Him
everything you are!

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