Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Abortion vs. Life

I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.  
~Ronald Reagan, quoted in New York Times, 22 September 1980

     What is abortion? Today I was just reminded of how much I despise abortion!
One of my friends here recently found out that she is pregnant and I have so many
friends who are parents who love their children so much, I could never see any of
them killing their innocent babies. They love them dearly and wouldn't do anything
in this world to hurt them. I am realizing and have realized for quite some time how
much children mean to me. I know many women and even men don't see how much
they are impacting the lives of people when they 1) choose to get pregnant without
wanting to have a child, 2) choose to abort a baby if they are a doc, etc 3) and how
much pain they are causing the woman who has the abortion 4) Do you want to live
with the quilt and pain of performing an abortion or having an abortion, or maybe even
encouraging a person to have an abortion and most importantly 5) the action of killing
a child of the Most High God!
      I realize that when people do become pregnant and they realize they don't want
or "need" the baby that their first thought is abortion....but what if their first thought
was....love? or maybe even adoption?!? There are so many people who can't have
children and are looking for an opportunity to adopt a baby, and who knows....what
if you could see your child again through adoption or what if that family has been
praying and desiring to have a child for quite some time, but can't? I am adopted
along with 3 other of my siblings and I know I am in a far better place than where
I was!
      If you truly want to do what's best for the living, precious, valuable, baby in
the womb, stand up for him/her! Do what's right, not just what feels good or is the
first thought! God is bigger than the mistakes you have made and he can forgive
you even if you have had an abortion in the past. Humble yourself before the
Lord and walk in the path of righteousness. God is able and is ALWAYS there.
He can give you the strength to make the right decision-Life!
A thought....your parents chose life for you, your alive! What do you want your legacy
to be?

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