Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Understanding Your Potential!

What is your potential? Myles Munroe says it so so well. This is your potential:
"Potential Defined is: Potential is....dormant ability.....reserved
power......untapped strength.....unused success.....hidden 
talents.....capped capability. All you can be but have not yet 
become....all you can do but have not yet far you can
reach but have not yet reached......what you can accomplish 
but have not yet accomplished. Potential is unexposed ability 
and latent power."

"what you see is not all there is. That is potential. Not what is, 
but what can be."

"What would the world have lost if you had not been born?"

"You are more than what you have done."

You are more than what you think you are. You are what you become and can be.
Don't let fear grip your potential! Understand your potential, step out and be
who you are meant to be! Potential is very necessary in life. It you don't know
what you are capable of and are meant to become, then you can't be who you
were meant to be! I encourage you to read this book and tell me your thoughts
after you do read it!

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