Friday, February 4, 2011

The Lost.....the Orphans....Your Will!

(Me in the Dominican Republic holding  and orphan in "06" 
-not for sure about the year)
She is so precious! My heart just melted! I wanted to take her home with me!

I don't know what I want to be except what Jesus wants me to be. I have a heart for
people and mainly children and the lost. There are so many people that are hurting
and dieing every day. There are so many children who are being abused and
mistreated every moment. There are so many lost souls who will not see Jesus. I
want to do what God wants me to do. God has put this desire in me to be a mother,
but more than that to help children who have been in situations similar to the one's I
have been in. I have thought about it and I really really am seriously thinking about
and praying about possibly starting an orphanage for children. I don't know how,
when, where or if I even should. I am just thinking that if children are hurting like I
have hurt and even worse than I have, then I want to show them the hope and love I
have! The hope and love that Jesus gives me! I want to give them hope through love
and support. To clothe them, feed them and care for them each day. I want to be
there for them when they feel unloved or unwanted. I want to help those who want
or need the help. I want to do what God wants me to do, so I am praying for
direction on exactly what I am supposed to do. I know Jesus that you have a plan
for me and I know you have a plan for the children who are hurting in every way!
You love the people You created! You have good plans for everyone! I am willing
to go Jesus! I am willing to give everything I have to help those who need you. I am
willing and want to be your servant forever. I will love you forever. I will go for
You Jesus! I will do what You want me to do, I ask You to make it clear in Your
timing and in Your own special way. Thank You Father for Your faithfulness and
love towards everyone. You are so merciful and show so much love to me. I am
nothing without You! You are my Rock and my Fortress. You are the foundation
that I live on DAILY. Show me what YOU want me to do, not what I want to do!
Give me Your heart and Your eyes for people in need! As soon as You say it,
I do it! No matter how difficult it may be, I give everything I am for Your Kingdom's
cause! Show me how to love like You have loved me!!! I truly live for YOU!

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