Friday, February 11, 2011

Please Pray!

I have been having so much pain in my stomach over the past year. It has
been so bad that I often cry and at times I can't sleep well at night. I describe it
as a feeling similar to having cramps, but 5-10 times worse! I am not sure what's
going on, but I went to my doctor before and she gave me medicine, but it hasn't
helped a whole lot. The doctor said it was just a lot of stool up in me (I know that's
grouse, but it's what she said!). She then gave me medicine for constipation, but it
hasn't helped too much. Just last night I started having the symptoms again: stomach
cringing and aching terribly. It just twists and turns and I feel like there is a "war"
in my stomach. It has been causing me so much pain! So I am going to see a doctor
on Monday who studies the stomach specifically. I hope it hurts when I go so the
doctor can figure out what's going on! I know that sounds bad, but I want to
find out what's going on! It hurts so bad! I often just ache and can't move. I just
stay curled up! I pray that God will heal it! It does get better but it's never satisfied.
I often can't eat hardly because I feel like I am going to throw up or something!
I eat anyways because I need to and have to and often want to! It just hurts 24/7!
So please pray for me! If it's just major stool, I guess I will find out. I will try to
keep you updated! Thanks for your prayers!


  1. I hope you find out what's the problem! Let me know if you do..I will pray for you.

  2. Thanks Dayna! :) and I will! The appointment is tomorrow.
