Monday, June 20, 2011

You Never Know What You Have Until It's Gone...

I along with many people don't know what they have until it's gone/taken away/torn away
from them or somehow out of their reach. I would say that during seasons of life we can
be so blind to what we have, wishing it was different or wishing we had a different result.
I can think of so many examples where I wished something away and didn't realize what I
had when it was originally right there in front of me, and now it's gone. I often just wish I
could have that thing, or person, or event, etc...back in my life. I am realizing as I am
getting older that there are people who come and go in my life and I love all of them dearly!
I often wish and dream about what life would be like with those people there, then God
tends to remind me that He has everything under control-my fears disappear (just recently
I think I have finally got a breakthrough with actually learning how to let go and trust in Him!).

I think of friend's of mine who were once Christian's and loved Jesus and who now have
fallen away and that just breaks my heart. I know it must really hurt God's heart to see His
children turn away and reject Him. I just feel so helpless and I don't know what to do or how
to help them, but I can not change them, ONLY God can change someone from the inside out!

I also can think of people who were in my life and who are friend's of mine and then when
something bad happened, they don't see that I am still here for them and they don't know what
they STILL have that is RIGHT in front of them! I love them like family, I just wish they would
see it that way...I am still me, I haven't changed into something bad, in fact I think I have
grown more, which is good, right?

I see things in my life like when I wish away my single years and eventually, I believe that one
day they will be gone and I don't want to waste these years just thinking about getting married
and to a place that I am not at yet. I want to use my single years to worship and serve Jesus
with all that I am! I finally got it-letting go of my dreams is one of the hardest things in the world
for me and getting married is a HUGE dream of mine. I can FINALLY say after all of these
years of dreaming and thinking about marriage and wishing I could be with people, that I have
FINALLY given it to Jesus and I have FINALLY let GO! God can do whatever He wishes.
It's hard at times, because I do cry thinking about what I feel that I have lost, but if things are to
be done in God's will and in God's timing, I HAVE TO LET GO and I have chosen that I will
and have FINALLY let go of this area in my life. It will not hold me down to the things God has
for me now! I trust God to do His will and have HIS way in my life! No more Traci in the way,
I refuse to not trust God! I refuse to live in fear! Jesus have your way in my life today!

Remember, value what you have, where you are at and with the people that are in your life,
because you never know what you have until it's gone!

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