Thursday, April 14, 2011

*Fairytale Dreams*

I remember when I was younger (around the ages of 4-14) dreaming and wishing
I could marry the Prince of England. I would go around telling everyone that one
day I would marry the Prince, so I could be a Princess! I would dream of having
marrying the "perfect guy in all of the world" and thinking and believing down deep
inside of me that it would happen when I get to be about 21 or 22. Many people
often would smile and laugh and tell me that those were "just dreams!" I was not
very happy with that response, but I knew the likeliness would be very, extremely
slim. Every time I got the chance I would dress up as a princess and wear my most
fancy gown I could find. I would even try on my Mom's wedding dress when I got
to be between 12-even now! Many might say that those are "just fairytale dreams,"
but I say that they are inspiration and a picture of God's nature inside of little girls.

I mean, think about, guys and men and little boys dream of conquering the world
and saving others (mainly girls). Women and girls dream of being the princess and
being rescued from devastation. God is the rescuer and we are the rescued. He
placed Himself in His creation. Just as girls want to be adored and called beautiful,
so does God desire to hear His children adore Him and call Him Wonderful,
Beautiful, Marvelous God! Don't you see? Those are not "just fairytale dreams!"
We will get married someday to the King of Kings and we will be saved/are
saved from all evil. He is our Prince and we are His Princess and/or an heir
to the throne! I can still dream! God gave me that dream and even though I know
now that I am not really going to marry the Prince of England, I DO know that I
will marry my Prince-Jesus and if God does have someone special for me and
for you, He is very capable to reveal His plan and the person we will marry on
this earth. God is God of all! We find our satisfaction in Him and His plans, we
will be satisfied and never thirst or hunger again. He is my all in all in everything!

I encourage you to Dream your fairytale dreams and never give up on God's
dreams for you! Ask Him to place His dreams inside of you! He can and He
will! That is what I am doing! Let's believe and have faith in God's Dreams!

I am His Princess and I'm not giving up Hope on all that He has for me! I refuse
to be lowered to a place that is not right for me to be at.