Thursday, January 26, 2012


Since school has started I have been doing LOTS of homework and I am working 2 jobs. I have been pretty busy; if you don't hear from me over a period of time, just so you know that is why! When taking five classes, I really  have to focus, although I am working ahead on as much work as I can. I like to get things done, instead of just waiting around and rushing at the last minute. Procrastination is not my thing and if I did procrastinate at times, it's because there was something going on that caused me to not get things done. Anyways, my homework is crazy! For one of my assignments I have to create lesson plans for different subjects for preschoolers and/or kindergarteners. I have to turn in 1 creative lesson plan and 4 Language Arts Lesson Plans. I worked really hard last night and got about 4 lesson plans done: 1 science lesson plan (There is many other subject lesson plans later that are due and I just got the science one done already) and 2 1/2 Language Arts Lesson Plans done. Another assignment I have to do is write a children's book with illustrations in it. I am excited about this and nervous because I'm not quite sure what I'm going to write about yet. I really want to get this one started asap because it is one of those things that takes awhile to do, but I am looking forward to it. Another assignment I have to do is write a paper on visual disability. It doesn't have any requirements really, except that it has to have sources and they have to be cited in our paper. The next thing I have to do for homework is make a portfolio of children's drawings and evaluate them and put them in a binder with some other things in it. This will take time!!! I might try to do this assignment on Sunday if I can. I also have to get writing samples of children's drawings of different ages and do pretty much the same thing, just not with a portfolio. I also have to do an online class, but I am already really ahead on that, I just need to do one more thing that is due in March. Lastly, my goal for the rest of this weekend is to study for a Psychology test that I have to take next Wednesday, which I also hope to do on Sunday because my other days are already really full!

That is my homework and I know I have already worked ahead a lot, but I really think it's important to get things done and move on. I like to get homework done so that I can enjoy other things in this life! :)

What kinds of things do you have planned and are working on this week?

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