Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fear vs. Faith

Recently, I have noticed how our world is getting worse in many ways and fear has come up within me. I see so many terrible things happening within my peer groups and friends and around the world and it has really bothered me. So many don't really know the love of God and don't know Him in a personal way, as Lord and Savior and as Master and Father of their lives. Several of my, once close friends have fallen away from God and the reason I know this is because of the fruit I see in their lives. The "fruit" is not Godly fruit in no way. They aren't growing, in fact several of them are running away from the Bible and the truth and God's word. It really breaks my heart and I am a very sensitive and emotional person. I have a super compassionate heart, which makes me cry or makes me sad when I see people I know not following after God with all of their hearts, soul, mind and strength. It is very hard to see and watch. With all of this happening it has brought some fear into my heart about them, life and the future of our world. Some thoughts that come to me are, "If my "Christian" friends or once Christian friends are falling away from God, who will stand? What will our world look like in many, many years to come? Why are so many falling away? etc...?" I am just filled with thoughts, concerns, prayers and uncertainty. I don't want to be fearful or weak, I don't desire to be "drowning" in this. I want faith, not lack of faith. I want and I know God's heart and desire is that He wants those He made to worship and love Him with all that they are. I want to stand firm in my faith until death, always growing and loving God. I want to follow in His path and in His way. I can't walk my fear, but by faith!

Please remember that "without faith it is impossible to please God." If you are living or struggling in fear, I encourage you as I am beginning to do as this fear has creeped up, to replace fear with prayer and faith! We can and will walk by faith and not by sight. We will have faith and not fear, we will believe and not doubt. I will live and pray God's promises and pray for those I know and for the world and all people to know God. Faith is what I want, not fear!

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