Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Death and Life

Listen to this...this is one guys thoughts, studies and opinions on death and life...What do you think?

click here for video

"To live is Christ and to die is gain."

Death in this human body is inevitable unless Jesus returns before we die. As a Christian we have hope and we have a future. We will live with Jesus forever. That is the hope we have. We do not need to fear death. We all will die one way or another. In our life we must choose to die and in our death we must choose to live. Meaning as a Christian we are making an impact and a difference in the world just by living and being a Christian-being different and set apart. I don't have life down and I have a lot to learn and grow in. We must learn to die to our flesh and let the Holy Spirit guide and direct our path. If we die as a Christian physically, we will live with HIM forever. If we die to our flesh we still will live a wonderful life-because to live is Christ and to die is GAIN! We DO gain and are revealed more of Jesus when we die. I encourage you to live every day to be like Jesus. Make an impact in someone's life, for you may be the only "BIBLE" they read...meaning that if you and I live like Jesus, others will see HIM and His amazing love and grace and life that others will be drawn to what you have. If we live out the Bible, others see our lives and are in essence "reading" our lives.

You are the light of the world, the salt of the earth!

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