Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Serena's Story

This is a video I found on godtube.com. I hope this inspires you, it did me.
Serena has much faith, I am so encouraged by her story and I hope you
are too. Each day is a gift. Let's use our gift wisely. Living our life to the
very fullest. Living each moment at it's best. Not taking advantage of the
moments God has given us. We need and have to want child-like faith.
Serena is a great example of a young girl who knows how valuable she
is to God and lives everyday to make a difference. As I looked in her
eyes, I notices and saw the light in her eyes. She is SO inspiring. Please
take this moment to watch Serena tell her story:

Here is Serena's story: 

I encourage you to pray after you watch this video about whatever God puts
on your heart. He's here to meet you where you are. You just need to have
faith. Put action to your faith and step out. Most of the time it's not easy to have
faith, but that's why Jesus is here. He is our faith, and our strength. Be inspired!

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