Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Mark of A True Christian

Have you ever thought-I wonder if so and so is a Christian, or I think this person is a Christian, but I am not sure. One evaluation you can have to determine if someone is a true Christian is if they are continually growing in Christ-there MUST be fruit of a Christian in their lives. Many people can say they are Christians and can even act like they are Christians, but a true lover of Jesus and follower of Christ is evidence throughout time and evidence of what's in the heart of someone. After being around and hanging around people you are able to tell what is in their hearts and what they think about. One is able to determine from relationship and being around someone where they are at in their walk with God.

I personally know and have met people who, it seemed like to everyone that they loved God and was pursuing God, but in the end we found out hidden sins that they never told us. Now everyone will have sins that they really, honestly don't know about but it's in their growth and evidence throughout time that proves where they stand and where their heart is. True repentance is when you have been doing something wrong and you turn the other way and follow after God whole heartily, never turning back-standing firm in faith and love for God. Many people can "walk the walk" and they can "talk the talk" but do they have the fruits of the Spirit, are they applying what they have learned from scripture to their lives? Are they studying the Bible and living it out in their lives? Do they honor others? Look at the character of a person and that also tells a lot. Is that person lieing a lot? Is that person listening to Godly leaders and searching out God in all of His righteousness? Is that person inspiring others to live like Christ? There are so many questions you could ask yourself and another person to see where they are at spiritually.

Evidence of love and faith in Jesus is continual growth and fruit in their lives in all aspects and it can't just be "going through the motions," but a sincere different person change in their lives. The person is different-they have a different spark or light to them that you never noticed before, etc...God is evident and real in their lives. Hidden sin is not hidden-but one is accountable to leaders in their lives for their growth in Christ. There is a difference between "unknown sin" and "hidden sin." Unknown sin is sin that a person doesn't know about sincerely, but hidden sin is sin that a person does know about and no one else knows so they hide it thinking they are getting by with it, but in the end ALL sin will be out in the open and revealed for all to see. Can you see what I'm saying? GROWTH is evident in a TRUE Christian, a RELATIONSHIP with Christ is evident in their lives!

If you have any questions on this, please feel free to talk to me about it! I will do my best to answer them!  Thanks for reading and keep following and keep updated on current posts to learn more! :)

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