Monday, May 21, 2012

Bible Study

I have started a Bible Study with one of my friends and we are going through the book of Job together. It's kind of a hard one to go through, but it's really good. We just got done with the first three chapters and will continue with the rest of Job and maybe try some other books of the Bible too. It is a way that I can tell that really push's me to really dig into God's word. I have to be ready when we have the Bible Study and it helps me to really read and dig into it-to understand the Bible. Job has an amazing life. He had so many terrible things happen to him, yet in the end and through it all He continues to love God and not sin. It is in the weakest of times that test our faith. Will we still stand and love God in the hardest parts of life or are we going to give up and back down from our faith? It is a serious question. In the trials of life we have to keep pursuing Jesus with all that we are, never losing faith or stop growing in Christ. If we continue to grow in and through all of the trials that this life brings then we know that our faith is strong. So in saying all of this I want to encourage you to spend time with God daily and to talk to Him like you would call up a friend. He is there and listening and has some things HE wants to tell you to. We just have to learn to seek Him in the good, the bad and the ugly-in all seasons and all times! He should be the best friend that we go to to talk to about our good and bad things in life. We should get wisdom from Godly leaders and seek the Bible out. The Bible is our map, our guide to live in this life. Spend time with God and see what kind of AMAZING things start happening in your life! :) I am making this a goal to do everyday-to really dig in and read the Bible at LEAST 2 times every day this summer, plus through out the day I want to have conversations with God and let Him lead me where He wants me to be and go. That is my desire in my heart, therefore I WILL make it happen EVERYDAY! You can help keep me accountable that way too by making comments and we can encourage and build each other up in Christ!

Seeking Him Daily,


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