Friday, December 16, 2011


Do you ever just have bad days, or bad weeks?  I do-this past week has been one of them... :( Have you ever done or said something that you regret and wish that you did not say or do that thing? Well, That happens to me a lot. I can have a GREAT heart about things, but sometimes when I am struggling and/or hurting on the inside or when I am confused or don't know how to do something or say something, things I say and do come out wrong and then later I regret saying and/or doing them the way that I did. In those moments though-I always run to Jesus. He's the only one who can make me feel better. It can be difficult when you think you have ruined something or said something that you know or weren't sure you should have said or done that thing and then it turns around and bites ya in the booty! Sometimes if we think on the problems we have, we can become depressed-like and then things get worse. I have had moments and days like that, where I just want to bury my head in a pillow and go to sleep and I have done better on other days when I just run to God asking me to do better next time and help the other person really know what I meant to say or do. That's my better days. God heals my heart and makes me whole! I then focus on Jesus and pray that God breaks me into who he has created me to be! I love God's correction! He always does it best! I want to do better and live my life like Jesus and I want to be like Him in every way!

Have you had a good or bad day recently? How did you handle it?


  1. i have been thinking and praying for you, girlie! i am here if you need me.... :) i hope you have a blessed friday!

  2. Thank you! I appreciate it LOTS! There have been lots of tears, but there has been faith too. I know God can help me in ALL things, even when I don't see or understand things and even when I feel like I have possibly ruined things. God is faithful though! I will not give up on His purpose or will for my life! Thank you SO much!
