Friday, February 17, 2012

Do Hard Things

Everything God ever asks you to do, even if it’s difficult, He asks because He has something great in mind for you. ~Joyce Meyer~
Doing hard things are never easy obviously, but there are times in our lives when they must be done. They are there to help us in some way. When we do things that are difficult, but are right, it will be painful at the time but the reward will be greater. Sometimes pain can feel like it's too much to bear on our own, but that's the thing about being made Holy and pure in the sight of God. We have to be refined like gold and silver, we have to be moldable like clay and we should be easy to use, like water. We should have our foundation in Jesus, knowing that wherever He leads us, we will follow, no matter the cost. Recently this is something I feel like God has been speaking to me about-do hard things! There are things in this life that may even seem hard at the time, but really they aren't, but are instead just character building. 
 I have recently had to make a hard decision about whether or not I should switch my small group for different reasons. Small group is where people from our church of about or around 2,000 or more become members and are to join a small group to help them grow in their walk with God. Well, I had really thought that the small group I was in was what God wanted for me. But things have changed and things are happening and now I had to make a hard decision, even after starting to really feel connected and when I felt like I was growing I, just today had to chose that maybe it's just not what God wanted right now, because my circumstances at this moment are pointing me towards leaving their small group. It's a great group, but sometimes we don't understand why thing happen, we just have to step out in faith, knowing and trusting God to take care of our situations.
 Another hard decision my parents made about a little over a year or so was to switch church's. This was REALLY hard for me especially, I just cried and cried and cried and never stopped crying. See, I had gone to this church for 10 years and switching church's was like leaving my family. It was a hard decision and even though I don't really know everything about it and all of the details, I just have to trust that God will grow me and guide me where He wants me to be. This did not make sense to me and sometimes I still get sad if I think or remember something from this church. I know though that God does things and we as humans do things, but no matter what we do, God is always there. If I make a wrong decision or my family or friends I have to remember that nothing is too big for God and all things will work out for His glory. I am His child and I know that God has things in store for me, I just don't know what they are. Sometimes doing hard things opens doors and windows to things that God wants for our lives that we would have never received if we were at the place we were before.
 There is nothing too big and nothing to hard for God. When I think about my future and if I will ever get married or any wrong thoughts of if I am ugly or stupid, etc...I have to be reminded that God has one very special man for me and he will be beyond my wildest dreams and beyond any person I have ever thought could be the one for me! My King has someone for me and He is preparing him right now for me and to be my lifelong partner. There is nothing I need to worry about! God has everything in His hands, I just need to have childlike faith and believe that every day-God is ruler and I am not. No matter what I do, I can not earn His love and grace and forgiveness, it has already been given before I ask it.
 So I encourage you to step out and obey God in whatever He tells you to do and DO HARD THINGS! :) I am and will not stop-even when I feel like giving up!

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